Saturday, 27 July 2013

Fitness Bread Faux Pizza

I came up with this recipe when I first encountered Fitness Bread. I needed a way to enjoy this high fibre, low calorie bread.  A slice of this bread is 137 calories, and it's very filling. It takes me well up to lunchtime. The bread is dense and heavy, and it's an acquired taste.
I tried to use it in a sandwich, but it didn't work. Then a lightbulb went off in my head-use this as a pizza base. I was so excited about this, that way I could make and enjoy different topping options whenever I liked.I tried it and it was a success. I love this and I'm sure you will like it too.


1 slice of fitness bread (I store mine in the freezer, and I use it without defrosting)
1 medium egg
1 teaspoon of skimmed milk
1/4 cup of grated Cheddar (this is optional, I add it in to increase breakfast calories)
1 slice of Mozzarella
Pinch of Oregano

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. In a small bowl, break egg. Add the grated Cheddar, milk and oregano. Beat.
3. Grease a baking sheet (I use non-stick spray). Place bread on the baking sheet.
4. Pour egg mixture over the bread.
5. Cut up the Mozzarella and spread over the bread. Bake for 7 minutes.
I'm also showing you a version in which I used bell pepper, onions and mushrooms. Delicioso!

If I can, you can,



  1. I see u are determined to widen the scope of my culinary skills. Thanks Luv! Hubby complimented me today saying he likes the fact that I am branching out from my staples! I need to improve my kitchen facilities though! Will make time to look for those things I dn't know and recognice here. Kudos!!!

  2. Lizzy, you know every na. I was just tired of eba, soup, yam, etc. My hubby appreciates it too. Infact, now every weekend he has to invite somebody home to eat. And he's always smiling from cheek to cheek and boasting about his wife. LOL

  3. Deema Kai, even though you said it's fitness bread, will i not blow up on weight???? the egg and cheese is much.

    I doubt if my hubby will agree to eat this if i make it.

  4. Amaka, lol! Breakfast is the most important meal in the day. I eat 1240 calories a day, this comes up to 375 which is perfect for breakfast. Eggs and cheese are not that high calorie. When I want to eat snacks during the day, however, I leave out the cheddar and only use mozzarella. My Hubby eats this, but will only eat it with the 2 cheeses. It reminds him of pizza. The only thing is he might not like the taste of the bread itself, so you can make it with white bread. This bread takes me up to 3 o'clock, with no hunger pangs. If you do it with white bread, you will get hungry faster.

  5. I ll definitely try this recipe. I bought mozarrella about 2months ago and I just abandoned it in the fridge. Now I know what to do with. Thanks!
