Thursday, 26 September 2013

Chickpea and Zucchini Muffins

I've already written about the benefit of chickpeas to fertility. Please read all about it here.

Today, I'm focusing on zucchini. Prior to this WOE (way of eating), I was a zucchini lover, but I'm pretty sure the way I was using it made it more harmful than helpful to me. I used zucchini ONLY in zucchini bread, which is quite lovely, but the quantity of sugar I used was out of this world. Now, it calls to mind times when my beloved Paula Deen would add parsley to one of her deep fried, butter glazed recipes,and call it healthy. Lol...p.s, I love Paula Deen!!!

Zucchini is a pretty good source of vitamin c, potassium, and fibre. These are pretty crucial to optimal fertility in both men and women. I don't want to make this a long post, I'm sure we all know how these are helpful to TTC.

This is a pretty easy recipe, I came up with it because I wanted something to snack on. It satisfied my craving, and it gets bonuses for being freezer friendly as well.


14oz can of chickpeas
200g of Zucchini
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of white pepper
1 1/2 tablespoon of honey
2 eggs


Preheat oven to 350
Rinse the chikpeas. Process or grate the zucchini. You can peel it, but I don't peel mine...added fibre or laziness? Lol!
Transfer the zucchini to a blender or switch your processor blade. Add the remaining ingredients and blend to a fine purée.
Pour the mixture into a greased muffin or cupcake pan. Bake for 20 minutes.

Enjoy, and remember,
It's sooo good for you!



  1. OMG!!! This sounds super relish and so easy. I'm trying to reduce my carb and sugar intake. I'm definitely gng to give it a try and maybe add some cheddar to it (I love cheese) :-).

    I will suggest a chickpea feta salad. It is soooo good (since u r on a specific diet, don't know how healthy feta cheese is, but its low fat).

    For the salad u will need
    1 medium size cucumber, seeds removed and cubed
    1/2 cup red onion, diced iinto chunks
    1 can if chickpea
    Italian dressing - 2 TBS or make ure own dressing with olive oil and lemon juice.

    toss everything together in a bowl and let sit for a few minutes in the fridge.
    and enjoy.

    50g of feta,

  2. Chinwe, why didn't I think about adding cheese? I'm making these tomorrow, will add some cheese. You can't go wrong with cheese now.
    I'll read up on the feta, then I'll make the salad. It sounds divine, even without the feta.

  3. I was so looking forward to having this for dinner that I went to utako market looking for zucchini (I thought I had seen them on a previous shopping trip). Please where can I get zucchini from and I was thinking of substituting the zucchini for cabbage. what do u think?

  4. I haven't tried it with cabbage, but I suspect it might be mushy...let me know if u try. There's a very small vegetable market in Kado estate. If you drive on the express towards that big life camp/ gwarinpa round about, take the turn off the express to Kado estate. It's on your right, it's in a shady grove and is very easy to miss. That's where I buy zucchini, and some otherwise hard to find vegetables.

  5. Cool. thanks girl!!!!
